Hundreds of turning pages - flip after flip, rustling... the sound of something good to read. Page upon page of shiny and matte... crescendos of blooming color, interspersed with easy-on-the-eyes black and white, and historic hints of sepia and inks of blue-black and green-black. My eyes enjoy photography, paint, engraving, text - images produced by a variety of processes. The artwork and text create a visual landscape - which emanates a satisfying creative calm... as I linger over this article, or that picture - skipping ahead to the end, or returning to pages already-read.
I return later to this book and find skipped or irrelevant pages are replaced with new content. Articles of interest remain to enjoy again. The book has feel appeal - it's chunky, but compact and lightweight. No scrolling. No inner-glowing... its images appear in the light I provide - outdoor sunlight, indoor daylight, or a soft lamp.
As its archives grow, and as dismissed articles are replaced, my replenishing book reaches a certain page count - and weight. Then, it's time to add another book to my library.
Is it a book of the future... a marriage of digital and tactile... . It is one of my imaginings. If you've ever wondered if there's any significant benefit or advantage of real page-turning-reading - versus that of digital books - you may like a Scientific American article "The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper Versus Screens" by Ferris Jabr, 4.11.13.