My Dear Vogue,
True companion, with love and concern I type this letter to you - for pen and slow mail may find you too late.
Your heft and rustling pages have comforted me through most of the days of my life.
This September past - year 2012 - your cups ranneth over. Over an inch in thickness, you carried your weight beautifully. You elegantly displayed your boom-chicka-boom, va-va-voom love-handles-of-fashion and they rendered my knees weak.
On the heels of The Health Initiative pledge, you were not only barking - but biting and ravishingly ravenous - voracious. You were healthy and vibrant. Imagine my dismay, when I caught a glimpse of you on my grocery store shelves... your emaciated January 2013 presence a meager, wraith-like version of your bodacious September self.
Being so intelligent - as well as lovely - you are well aware that rapid weight loss is not healthy. One's body needs some fat - not the subcutaneous fat of advertisements and inserts and celebrity gossip, but the good-cholesterol fat of page after page of artful fashion, educational articles, and friendly chatter.
This mnemonic device is sometimes helpful - HDL (good cholesterol) "healthy", LDL (bad cholesterol) "lard". Simply think to yourself: Certain advertisements and celebrity gossip - LDL lard - versus artful fashion and smart articles - HDL healthy.
Good Friend, contemplate with me Marilyn Monroe - setting aside any comparisons to individuals in the present day, . Monroe's curves were delectable and to them I could sing appreciative praise - all day - and couldn't you too?
Has the internet - along with its gadget companions of plastic - caused you to dwindle, diminish, and suffer? If that is the case, I find it ironic - because the Plastic Box has broadened my horizons - in more ways than one.
Though the internet has offered to me an omnispective scope into the Great Wide, viewing it has required a lot of sitting and standing-still languor... creating a bigger (but still healthy) version of my self. However, I realize you are of a different body-type and constitution. Be you ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph - I know you rely on a bit more advertising fat.
Heaven forbid I might have contributed to your extreme weight-loss. Purchasing you frequently from retail shelves, you were unable to rely on my steady subscription. A fair-weather-friend I have been - it seems - and for that I say, forgive me.
Let's agree to enjoy a happy medium my dear Vogue: Not too thick, not too thin - healthy, bodacious, bellissima, boom-chicka-boom.
Please Plump-Up Dear Vogue.
Your Friend and Blogger,
Toile La La at Art Fashion Creation
Postscript: Please realize I speak to you of this out of genuine care, not fur-flying-claws-out-hissing-spitting-you-are-thinner-than-me-jealousy, but adoration-of-oomph and intelligent beauty.